Where We Came From

Ralph Mahoney

The Mahoney Family

Rose Mahoney

World MAP was founded in 1961 by Ralph and Rose Mahoney, birthed out of the missions department of their small pioneer church in Louisiana. God alone knew the tremendous worldwide fruit that would eventually grow from the seed of that missionary vision planted 60 years ago.


YouTube – Watch a short documentary about Ralph Mahoney



Though primarily a missions-supporting agency, World MAP came to prominence during the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970s through its summer family camp ministry. God used these powerful camps to fan the flames of His Spirit’s revival throughout North America, and to lift the eyes of the Church toward the Harvest fields of the earth. Thousands of lives were impacted and transformed at the camps, through the Spirit-filled teaching, worship and ministry – and many of those who attended went on to serve in full-time ministry callings.



God then led World MAP to become one of the first international ministries to shift its emphasis from the western missionary to the training of indigenous church leaders already present in developing nations. Who better to fulfill Christ’s call than the people within these nations – those who speak the language, understand the culture, and are acclimated to the living conditions and economies of some of the most challenging places in the world – but who only lack the training and help needed to be effective church leaders.

Since making the shift to equipping national leaders, the nondenominational teaching vine of World MAP has broadened its reach – initially by way of leadership seminars, and then through printed training resources – into more than 140 nations.



World MAP’s primary training tool for pastors is a 1,000-page, Bible-sized handbook, The Shepherd’s Staff – a compilation of more than 25 years of leadership training materials. The Shepherd’s Staff is now produced in 18 languages, with more in development. It is thrilling to note that in 2021, as World MAP completed 60 years of ministry, it also reached another major milestone – 1.3 million Shepherd’s Staffs now in use by church leaders around the world!

In addition to The Shepherd’s Staff, World MAP also distributes ACTS teaching materials and conducts Spiritual Renewal & Equipping Seminars for church leaders in developing nations.
ALL FOR FREE! Use these links or the TOOLS tab above to view the free teaching material that is available for pastors and church leaders in developing nations – The Shepherd’s Staff, ACTS Training Guides, Pastor’s Seminars, Foundations for Ministry and Pastor Vic’s Nuggets of Truth.
